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InteGreat Announces Instant Medical History

Scottsdale, AZ - March 11, 2004

InteGreat Inc. announced today the availability of IC-Patient Portal, a comprehensive secure communications offering that links patients with physicians, and integrates Instant Medical History.

IC-Patient Portal allows a patient to communicate securely with their physician to streamline appointment scheduling and referrals, and supports access to the patient’s health record and billing information. Also, included within IC-Patient Portal is an expert interview capability designed to gather complete history/physical information directly from the patient, prior to their visit with the physician. It also supports a group practice’s development of payer-reimbursed e-Visits.

“IC-Patient Portal is a major extension of our IC-Chart EMR” said David Koeller, InteGreat’s president. “Today we see medical groups around the country utilizing technology as a tool for differentiating themselves from their competition. InteGreat’s Patient Portal can be a powerful marketing tool for a group practice within their specific geographic market. This also creates a more efficient and satisfying work environment within the group practice, resulting in a strong ROI. In designing our patient communications strategy, we were looking for strong partners, and by partnering with the industry leader Primetime Medical Software, we have developed a solution that provides outstanding results for our clients.”

InteGreat is a leading provider of clinical software and information solutions for physician group practices. The Company’s IC-Chart software is a modular electronic medical record that helps physicians and other clinicians streamline their workflow, resulting in more time spent on patient care, and less time on clerical tasks. IC-Chart automates the most common physician activities including prescribing, capturing charges, ordering lab tests, viewing results, and documenting clinical encounters.

For more information, contact:
Steve Whitehead, VP – Marketing

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